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Catalysing the Global Opportunity for Electrothermal Energy Storage

March 12, 2024

The report assesses the potential impact and market size of ETES technologies, identifies regulatory and policy gaps, and outlines necessary enablers to achieve this tipping point. Additionally, action plans for several countries are provided to guide policymakers and grid operators in scaling up ETES deployment.

The energy transition is gaining momentum amid geopolitical uncertainty and volatile commodity markets, spurred by the agreement of nearly 200 countries at the 2023 United Nations Climate Change Conference in Dubai to move away from fossil fuels. Clean electrification is becoming increasingly attractive due to fluctuating fossil fuel prices and the rapid growth of wind and solar energy. Electrothermal energy storage (ETES) is emerging as a promising technology, offering the potential to decarbonize industrial heat by integrating electrification with heat storage, thereby enhancing energy security and reducing greenhouse gas emissions. While ETES is already competitive in certain scenarios, overcoming barriers to widespread adoption is crucial to reach a tipping point where it becomes more accessible, affordable, and attractive. The report assesses the potential impact and market size of ETES technologies, identifies regulatory and policy gaps, and outlines necessary enablers to achieve this tipping point. Additionally, action plans for several countries are provided to guide policymakers and grid operators in scaling up ETES deployment.

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